Usage: Large Petals, Lotus, Flowers, Oversized Leafy Strokes, Calligraphy, Washes
Hair Type: Combination
Hair Group: Traditionally Wolf/Weasel and Goat/Sheep Hair
Tip Dimensions: 3- 3/16" x 13/16"
Best quality oversized brush. Extra Large Brush. Sometimes you just need a bigger brush. Whether you are doing large calligraphy or larger strokes for impressive painting demonstrations, the Phoenix brush is large enough to do the job by still a reasonable size to remain practical. It has softer hairs.
It is our extra large premium shape brush similar to the OAS Flow Series. Think of it as an extension to the Flow brushes. It's been improved by our brush maker per our request to offer more volume, size and flexibility with every stroke.
OAS's biggest brush, a treasure with no equal. Offers dynamic, bold strokes for large shapes. Hold on to Phoenix brush and pass it on to future generations.
Ideal for extra large petals, leaves, branch work, calligraphy and washes. A favorite for our lotus painting enthusiasts: excellent for the oversize leaves!